Awaken The Hour Is Late
Awaken the hour is late.
We have been sold a bill of lies.
We buy houses and cars,
but the price is too high.
It cost our soul and
the lives of our children’s offspring.
Mighty leaps of logic
performed by billions every day.
We all have faith
in money and in corporations
which worship the bottom line.
We spend so much of our time and energy
propelling this imperial corporate monstrosity.
It consumes our natural resources
as it bleeds our will and spirit,
It depends on our apathy,
the belief "I have no power".
We slowly morph into couch potatoes,
receding from public interaction,
dwindling our communities--
we play into the monster’s hand.
Global warming driven by local consumption
of residue from long dead dinosaurs.
Toxins pumped into the environment by toxic CEO’s.
God said he would punish
those who would destroy the Earth.
Does the guy on the pulpit understand
what his part in all this is?
By feeding the masses,
"the opiate of religion,"
he is implicate
in the monsters game plan.
Preaching prosperity makes
money their hearts desire.
If god loves you,
he will give you more
money, a house an SUV.
"New Thought", or just plain greed?
Awaken the hour is late.
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