Friday, November 10, 2006

We Are Responsible

I am writing today out of concern that the honor of America may be permanently disgraced. As an American living in a Republic I am responsible for the actions of elected officials. My only power is to vote, talk with friends, and write to my elected officials.
We know today the premises given as reason to start a preemptive war were lies. We have violated United States' law as well as international law.
Our presence in Iraq has been a lighting rod for recruiting terrorist and suicide bombers. The world is aware that the actions of the United States have made the Middle East extremely unstable. Terrorism is on the rise world wide because of our actions.
We are all responsible for the torture inflicted upon people in our military prisons overseas. But there has been no investigation into why we did not have checks and balances in place to stop these atrocities. Who dismantled the checks and balances?
Turning our backs on the processes and elected officials who have instigated these atrocities in our name is tantamount to an endorsement of the actions. We must have accountability.
Many understood the Republican controlled congress refused to hold the executive administration accountable. The recent landslide vote was a vote against corruption. Corruption is not cleansed by letting bygones be bygones. Checks and balances must be reinstated as well as holding elected officials acting in our name accountable.
The Democrats now control both the Senate and the House of Representatives. If you allow lawlessness to prevail by not holding elected officials responsible a stain sets upon all Americans.
We have a responsibility to set right the wrongs our nation has inflicted upon the people of Iraq. We need to investigate the no-bid contract award process. Why are Iraqis still without water, electricity or unsafe to walk down the street?
The world already knows the truth. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. It is the status quo in the white house. We as a nation cannot begin to heal these festering wounds until we formally acknowledge they exist.


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